Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wikipedia - The World's Greatest source of Mis-Information?

Alright, to kick this off I have to put in a small legal disclaimer.

You, yeah you... I've been watching you for some time now. You tend to comment on things that have no relevence in your life and you think that your opinion matters. Well it does matter when you have some fact to base it upon that actually pertains to something. Its time you gave up this charade as a bullshit artist, you can't bullshit. Hell you can't even halfshit. What? Oh Halfshit is when you tell half a lie and the rest is truth. So shut the fuck up, keep your comments to yourself, and stop treating everyone on the net as if they are inferior to your pimply prepubescent face. Ok, ready to learn something?

Its not much of a disclaimer. I'm don't really care if people get offended by the content of my blog, Its to be informative and give a new perspective. If you don't want to be offended go to some of the kiddy blogs where they talk about Teletubbies and Furbys and so on.

Now, Wikipedia as been blamed for several failing grades. Why? Because of two reasons.

1 - Parents are too stupid to teach their kids something valuable as in the payoff of honest research. How good it feels to discover something on your own and not rely on the internet to teach you.

2 - Kids are just plain lazy. Oh yeah I'm talking to you guys. I was a kid once, a fat kid. I did everything I could to get out of everything just so I could go play games. You don't achieve anything in life kids unless you bleed for it.

Here are some fun links. When you read these stories doesn't it just make your head hurt?

Wikio - Scotland - Our Kids are Failing and its all Wiki's fault

CrunchGear - Parents blame Wiki

Technorati: Reactions to CrunchGear story

Now people seem to think that anyone can go onto and change any listing of information to suit their purposes. What the hell? It dosen't work that way. Wiki even says it does not work that way. Granted Wikipedia is not 100% accurate, yet they are a hell of alot better then most of the sites out there for information. I have yet to find any false information about things I knew such as Rainbow Trout, Crossbows, Spears, WWII small arms, strangulation, Sex, Bukakke (if you don't know this one, don't find out.) Their information seems to be pretty good, I just think its a matter of "Our kids can't possibly not be learning anything, they can't really suck this bad so we need a scapegoat, oh I know! Wikipedia since Jimmy was on there the other day looking up the word penis." Yeah... I hate people some days.

Well, I'll keep an eye on this as the story develops. I can't wait to see the headline "Wikipedia calls societal downfall, U.S. Government takes military action against web based information source."

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