Monday, July 14, 2008

The first of many (perhaps)

Well, My name is Erik William Healy and this is my blog sponsored by my company North Rain Productions. We don't really produce anything at North Rain except the soothing sound of nature's fury as it kills thousands of Humans each year in the pursuit of taking back the planet. Sounds fun? Well we are all about fun. And information, Imagine that professor you had in history. You know the one. The guy that would make you fall asleep just by uttering a single syllable. We are not that man. We are the guy that comes in forty minutes late with a surfboard and a tan line. We smile to the class and use bad words such as Bra for Bro and Du for Dude. Then after ten minutes we tell you about this big octopus we saw that totally went after Dunston but he's ok bra like it totally shot its hentai tentacles out of the water after Dunston man but he like jumped away on his board and du you had to be there because D and the beast battled it out man. It was like 1988 and Kauai all over again bra!

Yeah, we are that guy... please just kill us.

Here is an interesting flag I found on that I rather liked.

Now I don't have any Fin blood in me but I do like the language and its similarities to tribal languages as well as their culture, their landscape, and most of all their flag. My father served an LDS mission in Norway from 1959 - 1962 and he fell in love with every thing in that part of the world. I always wanted to go to Finland yet I never had the money and I hear that they are quite hospitable. After I make it to Japan in 2009 perhaps I should jump over the pole to Finland for fun. Do they have nude beaches there? No idea really. I really like the coloring and the patterns on this flag. I want one of these hanging in my room. It seems random with the tribal style work, why is it not centered? Who knows but I love this flag none the less.

Thats it for now.

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